1.What is the learning purpose of your video?

The learning purpose of my video is to get people that are interested in learning Japanese but do not have any knowledge about Japanese yet and do not know where to start learning to get ready in learning Japanese. I hope my video can provide these people with a basic understanding of Japanese language learning and help them prepare adequately before learning Japanese.

2. Which of the principles we’ve covered this term (e.g., Mayer/Universal Design for Learning/Cognitive Load Theory) did you incorporate into your design and why?

In my design of the short video, I included these principles:

1.Dual Coding Theory (under Cognitive Load Theory): In the video, I presented the images and examples about the topics at the same time when I was introducing them in my narration. I think using this theory to support my content can better present my topics. For example, When I was introducing Kanji in Japanese characters, I present some Kanji words as examples while explaining so that my audience would understand more that why I said Kanji is hard.

2.Mayer’s Segmenting Principle: For short video, we have learned that audiences are most likely to retain the content of a video when this video is less than 5 minutes. Therefore I managed to maintain this video within 5 minutes and selected the most important content to introduce so that my audiences can fully focus on my content through out the whole video.

3.Mayer’s Personalization Principle: In my narration, I both wrote the script and recorded using conversational language using first or second person such as I, we and you because I learned that doing so can make my audiences gain more and better knowledge about what I was presenting and also more willing to listen to me talking.

4.Mayer’s Signalling principle: When it came to an important point or the parts I wanted my audiences to focus on, I used arrows and circles to pointed out those important informations so that the key information are highlighted and audiences can bring their attention to my important information.

5.Mayer’s Spatial and Temporal Contiguity principles: While editing the video, I payed lots of my attention on presenting the images and their surpporting informations together (close to each other) so my audiences can intergrate the information more clear rather than viewing them seperately.

6.Merrill’s First Principles: Although we have not learned these principles yet, I tried to include it in my video by throwing out questions to my audiences that may let them think about the possible solutions, therefore they can perhaps be more engaged in my topic by thinking about my questions during or after watching my video.

3. What was challenging about capturing your own video?

For this video, the most challenging part I found about capturing my own video is to capture the audio with appropriate volume and quality of sound recording. I am very aware that if the sound of me speaking is not clear in the video, it will be really struggled for my audiences to listen and understand what I am saying which give them extra work when watching my video. I did not want this to happen so I prepared a little microphone and also connected with headphone to better record the sound while capturing my own video.

4. What did you find easiest?

I found the screenshot part relatively being the easiest during the process of creating this video since I have already gain some experience of recording a screenshot according to the exploration in module 1. However, I still tried several times record my screenshot part because I realized that I have to ensure that each recording has sufficient duration to support me in speaking my narration. So I need to control the time each element appears to correspond to my narration. Therefore I have to admit that there is not any part that is easy during the process of making this video, however, the screenshot part can be the relatively easiest one to me.

5. How would you approach capturing video differently next time?

When I was creating my storyboard for my short video, I found that my interaction with the audience is a bit limited, and there is not much practical demonstration and application (such as shooting interactive or demonstration parts with a certain performance nature (similar to small shows)). Also since I want to follow Mayer’s Segmenting Principle which is to keep the video short, I struggled to choose and put things I want to show to audiences within 5 minutes. I think next time I will definitely focus more and try harder on these aspects and try to create a real life illustration (like creating a little drama show) in order to improve the quality of my video.